Period Whisperer Courses

Read Your Bleed: Learn To Chart & Interpret Your Menstrual Cycle For Health

Want to learn what your period is telling you about your body, how to chart your cycle fully and interpret your own chart? Then, my friend, this is for you. This course takes you through how to recognise and chart your signs, from your period, and cervical fluid to your temperature and cervix position. Part 2 then takes you through what these signs mean for your period, health and fertility.

Learning to chart your cycle and understand what your body is saying is one of the most empowering things you can learn to do. If you are interested in learning to chart for finding when you are fertile or not fertile, then you can do part 1 only, and after you have a few charts, then you can book in a 1-2-1 with me.

Periodology: Love Your Period

This course is everything you need to know about periods 101. What is a period? What is a normal period? How are periods viewed around the world? How can you change the experience of your period? What is your period story and how does it affect your period today?

Along with some period first aid, this course is focussed on finding routines and rituals to make your period something you love and look forward to, with meditations, essential oils, crystal therapy for some delicious home spa ideas.

You can also find out about what alternative period products and intimate products are out there that do and don’t affect your period, what to look for and why. Confused about menstrual cups? I take you through why you might want to consider them and what you need to know when choosing your cup. Skeeved out by re-usable pads? I talk you through how to use them and not have to feel grossed out. Not sure if your toys and lubricants are causing you vaginal issues? Find out what to look for and what to avoid and feel more confident in your choices.

60 Quick & Easy Recipes To Get You Started On Eating Whole Foods

Are you looking to get started on healthier eating and eating more nutrient dense whole foods but have no idea where to start? This is for you. Simple and easy recipes with a health and wellness jargon busting video explaining macro nutrients vs calorie counting and how to assess your domains of health at an introductory levels are included in this course.

Fix Your Period Courses with Nicole Jardim

I took Nicole’s Fix Your Period Apprenticeship back in 2015 and it greatly helped me with my personal period symptoms from the nutrition side and professionally too. You can find out more on my thoughts with this interview with Nicole. I am happy to recommend her programmes because they are well researched and easy to follow and understand. You can start by taking her quiz (it’s different to mine, I promise) or her introductory course Harness Your Hormones, or check out all her courses here.

Please note that some (but not all) of the links on this site are affiliate links. This means that whilst the price does not change for you, I will get a small referral fee that helps support this website. Thank you.

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